Monday 29 January 2024 13:13:39 1706555619
So, I'm gonna start talking like a millennial.  Or is it 'So I'm gonna start talking like a millennial'?  I can't seem get the the pause after the 'so' straight.  Or is it just a random thing, depending on now fast the gears are turning in there?  Idunno. 


Just kidding.

As I was saying, I saw that bit about a guy that was tried for a rape in Newport and was unanimously acquitted in a half hour or so.  The weird part was that he'd been in jail for over two years.  Wow, wonder what the bail was.  Well, the Jonesboro Sun reported it a couple days later, and had a little more info.  Apparently somebody matched some sticky substance to the accused, doesn't say how.  If it was the state crime lab (doubt Newport Arkansas has one) I'd be leery.  Dunno if Arkansas crime lab is as crooked as some (it sure was when Slick Willie was governor) but more than one state crime lab has put people on death row by cooking up made-to-order 'evidence' for persecutors and some of them left it in a box.  Or body bag or whatever they carry'em out in after a judicial killing.  Probably varies from state to state as they say.  So there you are.  55-year-old man spent over two years in jail and the jury didn't think much of what the persecutor had to offer.  Okey-dokey.  Who writes this stuff anyway?  The Sun article sez 'victim told police that she had woke up' and noticed something amiss.  Probably around Newport there's gossip around, people tho may or may not know or have an opinion or whatever.  Don't live there and happy about that.  Been there a time or three. 

Wasn't much news in the local media today.  Sun looked like it had the same pics of basketball players it had yesterday.  Something about the massive cicada event this year, been in the regular news for about a week.  KAIT had an article about the No Labels party doing something another lefty bunch doesn't like.  Like trying to get a third party on the ballot this election.  Not much difference between the two outfits in terms of objective but with Joetato looking like he can't win against one opponent who's had everything including a kitchen sink or two thrown at him a third party that can pull even one percent scares them good.  May even be a fourth, never can tell.  In that case things will start looking up next January. 

Alrighty then.