Mon 11 Mar 2024 10:56:24 AM CDT
Had some new basketball pics on the newspaper site, when you've seen the same ones for weeks you notice sudden changes. Got a pic of a guy in a wheelchair too. Intentional? Who knows, certainly unlikely anyone there knows. Point, click, copy, paste, rinse and repeat. They did have the mass shooting in Jonestown. Didja know if multiple people are shot it's a mass shooting? According to Wickedpedos. Just kidding, looks like five is their threshold for now. That's five shot, not necessarily five deaders. And does the shooter count if it fatally shoots itself? Could read them but Wickedpedia is pretty unreliable these days. I check occasionally to see if Henry VIII still had six wives. Ya never know, at some point that might become a problem for the masters and they have to change it.

Anyhow the Jonestown mass shooting event is at this point three dead presumably including the shooter. Okey-dokey. At some point details will emerge. The telly also had the news, same as the newspaper. If the shooter is dead there may not be any arrests. Update whenever. The Oscars news already has top billing on the telly site. I liked Oppenheimer (the man not the movie, haven't seen it) even he died when I was just a kid. Reading the description of his reaction to the Trinity test.

Paper didn't have much else outside of sports, I may or may not have mentioned the St. Barnyards deal with the Medical Industry insurance folks, what difference does that make to anyone? You got insurance with your employer you it might make the difference if in Jonestown you to to NEA or the barnyard, on account of the network thing. Medicare probably doesn't make any difference. I'd stay as far away from Saint Bernie's as I could get, but they about killed me so maybe I'm biased. After failing they sent what was left of me to another (alleged) hospital there in Jonestown to have me finished off, at least that seemed to be the plan. Or maybe it was just establishing plausible deniability.

They did have an outsourced opinion article that's pretty good, and the cartoon wasn't a Trump-basher. And that's about it, if you don't count the Jonestown mayor having his communications director flipping off somebody in a photo they were in. Don't know what that was about, didn't know the mayor had a communications director. Wonder what kind of staff he has. Jonesboro could use a different kind of mayor but the right different kind would never get elected. As George Carlin said...

KAIT gets stuff from other places besides the Dissociated Press. Had this little jewel from CNN. Now maybe this old woman actually did believe that books were being banned [1] and thought it was horrible and stuff and decided to protest and got fifteen minutes of Tik-Tok fame or if she was used by others. Hundred year old people making Tik-Tok videos seems a little improbable to me, but what do I know. But let's say that's the way it happened. A lot of people believed the lies about book-banning in Florida, and certainly older people who thought what they saw on TV and read in the newspapers was real are more susceptible to the orchestrated deceit of the 'news media'. I'm nowhere near a hundred but old enough to have grown up before they were exposed (to we the non-sheeple) as the liars they are. I registered for the draft when I was eighteen and whatever else Nixon did good or bad he put a stop to the Vietnam insanity before it got around to me. I'd have gone too, my father was of that woman's generation and would have disowned me if I'd dodged the draft. I lost a cousin - who was more like a big brother to me - on my mother's side there in '68, second tour and had left a pregnant wife behind, his son never knew his father. But the same liars that got thousands killed in Vietnam and Afghanistan are the ones behind the book-burning and don't-say-gay lies. So I don't wanna hear it.

[1] In Florida and some other states school libraries were found to contain pornographic books purposely written and placed there for the express purpose of corrupting the minds of children at the earliest possible age. In many cases when this was exposed parents demanded that the books be removed and in many cases it was done, in other cases the parents were harassed and even arrested for speaking on the subject at school board meetings.

[2] The so-called "Don't say gay" bill in Florida did not contain the word gay or homosexual. It prohibited 'educators' from exposing children to discussions of sexual behavior at an inappropriate age.