Saturday 11 May 2024 20:06:43 1715476003

Dunno what's up with the livestock situation over in Sharp County. Calf-rustling isn't quite as weird as decapitating goats but you never know if the events are connected. Maybe steal a calf and cut its head off somewhere else? What else we got? Another shooting in Blytheville, only one dead. Most of the arrestees were from Hayti, about forty klicks away in Misery. People do get around, criminals anyway.

A police encounter in Jonestown went badly for someone. No comment except that name of one of the officers rang a bell, some other problematical stuff a while back. Even after everything is sorted out there's no way to know what's real unless you were there. Cops gonna protect themselves and each other - well, sometimes they'll heave one of their own over the side - and the perps are rarely going to tell it straight. I avoid police and when I'm out and about and especially careful not to attract their attention. Older white Ford pickup relatively clean and undamaged, no dysfunctional equipment, license and registration and insurance, never exceed the speed limit [1] and don't give them any excuse. If I do find myself being detained just do what they say and any if they have any questions they can haul me in and let me call my lawyer. For cops that don't want any trouble just be real careful when dealing with certain types of people. Better to get reprimanded or fired for letting one get away than going to prison.

Okey-dokey, we got some dude ran for governor last time around and lost bigly. So he pops off on a tweet (are they still tweets or something else?) from someone else. He had a point inasmuch as the senator observed we should not be ignoring the jihadists. They should be held accountable for their actions as is being done in the free states. I suspect he was suggesting something else. The original XTweeter said

Are there any instances where mass student protests turned out to be wrong? Vietnam, post-911 invasions based on WMDs that didn't actually exist. Like, the kids were right. Have they ever been wrong? Genuinely asking.

Well cupcake, the peacenicks were doing - at times - the right thing but for the wrong reasons during Vietnam. They were indoctrinated by communists [2] and wanted to overthrow the Republic and make it like the Soviet Union. I was a kid then with Vietnam in my future and would have gone if Nixon hadn't shut it down before the draft got around to me. I lost a cousin who was like a big brother to me over there in 1968, believed he was doing the right thing. Left his pregnant wife behind to go on his second tour and came home in a coffin and his son would never know his father.

Sure, it was wrong, my father would have disowned me if I'd dodged the draft. But the entire news media was owned by the same cabal that was causing the war. By 2000-something when Vietnam 2.0 kicked off we knew a lot more but still most people believed the government narrative and the news media did little to expose it. I rather suspect they were enjoying it, going over and reporting from the 'war zone', using all the military terminology like they had any idea what they were talking about.

Twenty years later instead of a war we got the Plandemic. The government-media collusion has been exposed to anyone who cares to open their eyes and look. Some of the major perpetrators are finally admitting that they 'were wrong'. People who resisted were subjected to worse treatment than Vietnam protestors ever got, and there were a lot more of them. Which side were you on?

Now you are siding with an orchestrated and well-financed attack on both the nation of Israel - the only nation in the Middle East that has a 'democratic' government and a society tolerant of all ethnicities and faiths - and Jewish people everywhere in the world. Are you really that blind? The only genocide being attempted is against Jews.

Now about the wannabe governor that has his knickers in a twist. Not that he ever had a chance at being elected so Arkansas didn't exactly dodge a bullet the way Florida did but... nevermind. Senator Hester should have been more subtle, maybe just posted the last sentence:

I personally think hand cuffs and expulsion letters is the best way to NOT ignore them.

and left it at that. It would have been more effective. But whatshisname pompously responds:

The President of the Arkansas Senate should engage in vigorous debate about ideas and policies. However, they do not get to use their platform to lie about and slander citizens of the State who hold different views.

Make no mistake. This case is not about money. If it were, Sen. Hester is not the one to sue. This case is bigger than politics. This is about human decency and making bullying with false rhetoric a costly endeavor.

Sure it isn't about money. Yeah well, it's also about attention. I'm no fan of Senator Hester or most Arkansas politicians - I wish they displayed such passion about serious matters. But spare us the self-righteous pontification. OK? Seeya.

[1] That doesn't always work. I've had two speeding tickets in forty-some years and once I was actually speeding. Other time I helped a Tennessee Highway Patrol guy make his quota. Guess he figured I was a couple hundred miles from home and wasn't going drive all the way to Knoxville to contest it. Or it could have been an honest mistake, but I doubt it.

[2] Communist or commie is a general term I use for people who want to deprive their fellow human beings of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That includes all Democrats.