Thursday 14 March 2024 11:42:51 1710434571
Basketball pics there on the Jonestown paper site, wheelchair guy gone. The Paragould sibling I don't look at often, checked and saw an article about a local fellow, little different format than the Jonestown rag, just one instead of a rotating series, some sports but more real stuff than Jonestown. Says Nightranger is coming to the Black River Coliseum, might get over to see that. Saw'em back in their heyday, those were the days of people with talent and creativity making good music. There still are some but the segment of society at the intellectual level to appreciate it is pretty small. Now if Blue Oyster Cult comes around I'll definitely make a serious effort to go. Caught a couple of their shows during brief laser era. BOC is one of the most cerebral groups in two centuries now. Last old-school show I saw was Priest a few years ago, the audience ran from teenagers to old geezers like me. So intelligent cultured people still exist in all generations, which gives me hope for humanity. I won't be around to see it but nice to think it will endure.

Big thing was the multi-homicide in Jonestown, not much details. Enough to figure out the why, same reason Jonesboro had one, maybe two, homicides in a year to what they have now. The JPD boss said a while back the murder rate dropped in 2023. From nine to four. Now they got three in one day. Here's a look at the last few years:

2023 4
2022 9
2021 8
2020 11
2019 8
2018 4
2017 7
2016 4
2015 4
2014 4
2013 2
2012 4
2011 1

Naturally some folks are kinda upset about it, whether the bulk volume or something else, and they want to talk about it, presumably why it happens and how to make it not happen so much. Have a dialogue donchaknow. I know the answer, but whether it's Chicago or Memphis or Jonesboro Arkansas the reasons are the same. The only difference is numbers. And I'm not gonna say it. Anyone with an average or better IQ knows it or can figure it out but almost all are either afraid to speak the truth (ask Donald Trump what speaking the truth will get you) or it doesn't fit their agenda. Nuffofthat.

This little bit, as the new governor continues to clean up the mess left by her predecessor. Where'd I hear that word a couple dozen times, a few days ago? Oh yeah, that.