Wed 17 April 2024 16:20:33 1713388833

The shootings in Jonestown and Wynne are gone, just like that. If they catch the perp(s) in the Wynne deal maybe they'll have something new. Paper and telly both reported that the great Governor's Lectern Scandal and Massacree may soon be over. Yours truly is seriously relieved, had a few sleepless nights over it. The deal with the JPD employee that got fired for speaking her mind in public may be nearing a conclusion as well. NEA Report tells us the city has spent over 25K on lawyers so far. On a Little Rock law firm. Maybe no local lawyer wanted to handle it, kind of like hospitals. Several told me right out they wouldn't sue a Jonesboro hospital. Makes sense, what lawyer wants to have a heart attack or something and wake up in a hospital they sued? Anyway just read another report that said the city was talking about a settlement of 99K, with the city paying 35K. Your tax dollars at play, Jonestown residents and shoppers.

Okey-dokey. What else happened lately?

Bunch of people injured in a vehicular mishap. Ten in a Ford Transit? The big ones supposedly seat fifteen so nothing to be suspicious of like people hauling illegals. Those things still look a little dodgy to me, that much body as hanging out over the rear wheels. Ford and Dodge both extended their vans to add more seats and just added on to the back. Lot of wrecks with those loaded up and a lot of dead. GM made theirs on three different wheelbases so the rear wheels were always close to the back end. I drove both kinds loaded with non-people and the GMs never worried me but the Fords did. Where was I?

I remember this, seems like it took a while to resolve. I seem to remember that the victim was mentally disabled (before they beat him) and that's extra bad when the cops come for you. Not that most care. The only surprise was that they were being prosecuted for abusing a white guy. What's up with that? Maybe having it on video made someone figure they should do something.

I suppose we should be thankful the FBI is doing something besides arresting parents who get out of line at school board meetings. Or blowing away old cripples who get out of line on Fakebook. That's a average age of forty-two or so. Seems it used to be younger, twenty-something usually. A couple from Texas and one from Memphis. More from Memphis wouldn't be surprising as Memphis crime has been seeping into Jonesboro for years. Paragould too.

And that's all for now.