Sunday 9 June 2024 11:22:01 1717950121

The Jonestown paper has an occasional column by someone like Cal Thomas but most are lefties. OK, but do they have to be as dumb as... nevermind, not gonna say it. Wouldn't be prudent at this juncture to name names. Problem is some people actually form their opinions - such as they are - from newspapers and television. Probably the ones who say they're undecided about who to vote for while the place is burning down around them and the guy they kicked out because he tried to put out the fire is the alternative to the arsonist they now have.

Both the telly folks and the local news websites reported that the sheriff's deputy that wrecked the guy on the ATV and killed him didn't do anything inappropriate. I won't comment since the guy was doing something dumb. Didn't deserve to be killed but there you are. I avoid being anywhere near cops but in this case the cop was in an unmarked vehicle so that doesn't help. The cop seems to be no longer employed by the department so maybe someone thought it didn't look good.

Anyway the murder trial that was going on didn't go the way the prosecutor wanted. The case looked pretty shaky, I seem to remember thinking it looked kind of like the Morphew case where they tried to pin it on the husband. Apparently it was a similar situation, both deceased and alleged perp behaving kind of irresponsibly but apparently all they had was

Box continued to explain, "the one thing that held true since the early stages of the investigation into Karen's death was that David was always a suspect because all the evidence pointed to him. We were able to rule anyone and everyone else out involving this tragic murder and the grand jury made the right decision today by indicting him on a pre-meditated first-degree murder charge. (
All the evidence pointed to him? Are you sure you had ALL the evidence? You can never be sure you have all of it. The fact is with a dead woman the prime suspect is the husband if she had one, any available ex-husbands are eligible, any other relationship partner better have his alibis lined up too. I've heard prosecutors say it - give me a circumstantial case any day. No need for fingerprints, DNA, or eyewitnesses.

I don't know if the guy did it or not but you're kinda supposed to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt as they say. Unless it's a regime show trial. I wouldn't try to guess whether the prosecutor will try again - if I was that guy if I could get bail I'd go far away and disappear. If they're determined to put you away they'll most likely get you eventually.

The usual malcontents are keeping their fake grievances alive. Don't these people have jobs? Sorry, dumb question. Anyway there seem to be more snakeheads being caught lately, or it may be just the current thing for slow news days. They've been around for years, some think because they were imported by Chinese restaurateurs. I can't imagine keeping one as a pet. They look a lot like what we used to call a grinnel (bowfin, Amia calva), long snaky-looking. Both the grinnel and snakehead can live out of water a while if they stay wet since they can breathe air. We used to catch grinnel a lot, it's one those dinosaur fishes like gar and sturgeon. We got gar here too, used to catch some big ones. I have kept small grinnel in an aquarium, they're kind of cool-looking. If snakeheads are in Misery they may encounter grinnel - dunno how that would go - snakeheads are supposedly more predatory than bowfin. Interestingly they've been the subject of a movie or two a while back, probably about the time they began to be in the news.

Didn't the local news outlets already do the pride thing? Hang on... yeah, the other day. Telly folks got it again today - I guess if it's a while month we got a while to go. Maybe somebody there likes this stuff, she's got three articles so far and it's just a week in. Only had one on juneteenth but the 'teenth isn't here yet - reckon we can expect at least another one. Jonestown thus far hasn't seen the violence that accompanies the 'teenth in larger cities but give it time. The whole thing is sick enough but the lies are worse than the perverted behavior.

That does seem rather scripted but isn't everything these days? If I find time I'll clean up the forum some and maybe make it public, for now it's just me and some other smart-alecks who like to make fun of ridiculous stuff.

What's with ASU and Qatar? Qatar is best known as a sanctuary for jihadist terrorists. I don't know what the status of muslim students in this area is these days - there used to be a few at ASU and some in Memphis. There was a mosque-like thing in Joneboro, I don't get over to that part of town a lot so don't know what state it's in, it seemed like it looked somewhat neglected last time I saw it.

Time to close this session. I see they arrested someone, couple of someones, about the body in the field over in Lee County. Okey-dokey, see ya later.

Phantasm 39 minutes ago When this is beginning to die down elsewhere, who in Jonesboro thinks they
need to crank it up? There just aren't that many deviant types around even in
Jonesboro, why pander to them?
Reply ale 3
America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but
too early to shoot the bastards. (Claire Wolfe)
Prime Chuck Norris
28 minutes ago
Doing whatever they think the current 'thing' is. I notice that nationally it
has died down, whether because places like Florida won't put up with it or
the communities generally won't. Jonesboro is run by people who think
they're the best and brightest and they're far from it, television and
newspapers especially.
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When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.
Sinanju Master
12 minutes ago
Sheesh, who writes this stuff? Like they're reading from a script.
When I first started performing drag, I didn't even know this whole
community existed...
How could she/he/whatever not know? It's only been shoved in our faces for
the past decade.
It is so gratifying to see how many other people there are like me out here...
There aren't that many. These people - all deviancies combined - represent
less than two percent of the population. The people intimidated into
countenancing their behavior because they don't want to be attacked for
being 'intolerant' don't count.
Jama teacher and I have a lot of students who are LGBT, and I like to come
to events that I know support everyone...
No, you do not have a lot of students who are - why don't you use the entire
string LGBTQIA+whatever? Are you excluding some of your own kind? One
or at most two in a hundred is not a lot.
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Before you can learn anything, you must know what you are studying