Saturday 15 June 2024 12:28:40 1718213320

Don't know if all podunk media is like that but for some reason I suspect it is. Youngstown is smaller than Jonestown but I guess their market is bigger as it's part of a bigger metro area than Jonestown is. Still the cancer has spread to the smallest nooks and crannies and all you can do if you're depending on someone else for a job you better keep your mouth shut. Of course losing a job at a TV station might be an opportunity to get into something with a future. The old ones can probably stick it out until retirement but a young person should be looking around. Ironically the victim in this case appears to be a member of one or two other protected classes - it just isn't in the most important one.

Whether anyone watches the television I don't know. If they want exposure through their websites they aren't doing much to attract eyeballs there. As one formerly engaged in the business and knowing the importance of clicks and click-throughs and time on site and page views and all that I don't imagine they're making much money on the websites. Commercials, probably. Businesses will buy ads and never have any idea how effective they are because it's what they've always done. I've bought a few cars, all in the local area, and never once even went to look at a car because of a TV ad but maybe some people do.

As someone said about the small-time bubbleheads of whatever hair color:

Used to be a decent-looking chick could get a job at a small TV station, put in the time, self-promote, make the right connections, do whatever to get noticed. Make prime-time anchor, put out resumes, maybe one day you'll get the call. Like a baseball player in the minors the big leagues have their eye on, get called up. CNN, CBS, NBC, MSLSD, the alphabet soup of national 'news'. Million dollar contract, that's multiple millions. That's the dream. But there are hundreds, thousands of decent-looking chicks like you and with professional makeup the minor variations don't matter. It's whether you can play the part and get noticed. And do some other things.

For the ones who don't get noticed they at least have a job for as long as they want it. No longer young and hot no matter how good the makeup is but decent pay, hang with important people, feel like you're important. Beats working.

Was busier than a retired guy should be and didn't get to Jonestown for a couple of months other than driving through. Went today (relieved that the shooting at the big Wal-Mart on Highland was just some dude fooling around with a gun in the parking lot and not Jonestown graduating to the big leagues) and some things change quick in that time. I went to the big Wal-Mart and they did some remodeling. I used to hit a couple of the tobacco shops but I see big city crime has gotten to them. Just about everything is behind the counter or under glass. I used to like to browse and see if there was anything new in cigars. No more, gotta know what you want and ask them to get it for you. Dunno how much it hurts them - people like me that order bulk probably weren't the biggest part of their business. Still sad to see it go.

The TV folks say they having a juneteenth parade downtown. Pride month isn't half over, dunno if there will be any scheduling conflicts for people who want to do both. I don't know anyone interested in either one and won't be in downtown Jonestown. Says it'll be on the 15 June. There's a lot of teenths in June, as in most months. Apparently juneteenth is the last teenth, the nineteenth. That would be a weekday so maybe they moved it to a weekend? Whatever. In larger cities juneteenth goes on for quite a few days and the shooting starts early, some rack up a pretty fair body count. Jonestown is already putting up some impressive crime stats so whether the teenth violence gets to be a thing remains to be seen.

Reminds me of something happened years ago, I lived over on Cherry Street, fairly nice place back then. They had a killing over there, or found a killed body there anyhow, a while back. Anyway there was a fellow that had some kind of occult business and some locals wanted the landlord to evict him and it turned into a big deal for a few days. I have no idea how many Wiccans or other fringe types they have in Jonesboro, probably a few. More than trannies? Beats me. Anynow the attempted oppression of witches and such prompted a parade, actually a march for religious freedom in Jonesboro. Back then I used to get up early on Sunday morning and drive around a bit on the nearly deserted streets of Jonestown, pick up a couple of Sunday papers and grab a McMuffin or something. On that particular Sunday they had the streets blocked off for the witches or whatever but they missed one and I just drove out onto Main Street. My vehicle was the only one on the street and I looked in the mirror and here was a parade behind me. Had their signs and all, marching along to call attention to the oppression of witches or whatever. Whoever runs the Encyclopedia of Arkansas does a pretty good service for those looking for stuff. I never figured the big Jonesboro Witches Parade to be so well documented.

So there you are, haven't had an occultist rights parade lately and dunno if they have a holiday or a month. Seems about everyone else does.

Other than that just the usual shootings here and there, some other crimes. Hospital in Jonestown that needs to be shut down but nobody important died there lately. I almost did and some people think I'm important but none of them are bigwigs in local politics or news business. With any luck a lawsuit or two will actually get to court and we'll see if they report on it. Probably the hospitals will settle but even if they lose it won't make the news. I'd put five bucks on it if I could find someone to take the bet. Being Saturday I'll shut down early and if there's any action later I'll look at it next time. Being Saturday I'll shut down early and if there's any action later I'll look at it next time.

It's Natural, It Has Worked for Thousands of Years
And You Can Make Babies!
Remo Williams
35 minutes ago
Does anyone watch TV anymore? I sometimes look at the videos on their websites but
the thought of sitting down and watching a television to see what 'news' they think I
should see... don't have the time.
Reply 3
That's the biz sweetheart.
29 minutes ago
I don't know of anyone who does. People stream movies and stuff and that's about it.
Trying to remember the last time I did.
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Electric eye, in the sky, Feel my stare, always there, There's nothing you can do about
it, Develop and expose, I feed upon your every thought, And so my power grows.
Prime Chuck Norris
16 minutes ago
"The bubble headed bleach blonde comes on at five, she can tell you
about the plane crash with a gleam in her eye. It sinteresting when
people die, give us dirty laundry.
Who wants to watch that?
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When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.