Tuesday 13 February 2024 11:41:04 1707846064
Tomorrow is some holiday or other if I remember aright.  Worked for a couple of companies that provided services to flower shops back in the day, most of them made most of their profit on two holidays.  Black Friday for them was in February and May.  I prefer the last days of May to the earlier ones.  Anyway things went crazy for a few days.  One year the company I worked for went offline for several days in February due to an ice storm that had the power off for days.  We had a big generator and kept the office up but the one fiber circuit we had died because AT&T didn't have a generator on that connection.  Talk about panic.  Next time I told them to distribute the network they listened and ran in two more fiber pipes and a couple of remote data centers.  Amazon cloud was maturing by then and we were able to make it pretty bulletproof. 

The Jonestown paper has the same pics of basketball on the front page.  Looking around, their local news page has some current stuff, ASU and local high schools, some crime - lot of that these days - and something about the police person what got fired for saying stuff the department didn't like.  She was right, but her bosses figured it was dreadfully inappropriate for her to say it.  Publicly anyway, but if it hadn't been said publicly no one would have heard it her whomever she said it to.  Dunno why I suspect she had already said it in private.  No point in trying to fix a corrupt system when you're one of the little guys, whether it's private business or government.  Blowing the whistle sometimes gets something done but usually not much unless a higher power decides it's in their best interests to sacrifice a minion or two.  Even then the repercussions for the whistleblower are usually unpleasant. 

Still I don't know why they're so determined to drag it out.  They'll prevail in the end and all that happens is more people hear about it, as if anyone who cares hasn't already.  The silly thing is they coulda just reprimanded her and then started building a case fire her 'legitimately' as it were.  Ego?  Probably.  Setting an example?  Yeah, but most people are already gonna just keep their mouths shut to keep their jobs. 

Telly outlet about the same.  Something about the police person, lotsa crime, juvie crime.  I wonder how the local news would cover a major ruckus, say a big local hospital doing bad things like incompetent doctors and major insurance/Mediscare fraud.  There are several decent-sized hospitals in the area, a couple in Jonestown and one in Paragould, so not necessarily a clue there.  The way they covered the last bit of ugliness involving the local Medical Industry was cursory to say the least.  Could be the minions in that case are immune for the time being.