Tuesday 2 April 2024 11:34:21 1712075661

Jonestown sun didn't have a Trump-basher cartoon, just one about 'conspiracy theorists'. Pretty awful artwork in addition to not being anywhere near funny. Here's a tip - humor needs a bit of truth to be funny otherwise it's just that Colby dude blathering mindlessly. Got baseball now, and some football. Baseball is the only game for intelligent people and the decline in popularity tracks the drop in both intelligence and character of the population.

They did have this, and the telly folks don't. Yet. War on women? Nevermind, it's about abortion. Get an amendment on the ballot, make abortion on demand legal in Arkansas. That'll probably be promoted on the tube too. Sadly it's likely to pass, as it has in other red states. People who vote to tax themselves to subsidize corrupt schools and hositals, and corrupt and inept law enforcement and emergency services may well tap the button to allow babies to be dismembered and sucked out of the womb minutes before or during birth, or born and left to die on a table.

And the period tax? I'm good with exempting health care supplies from sales tax, same as food. Remove the tax on aspirin and vitamins and we're all good. OK cupcakes?

Jonestown government still... what are they doing? The lady they fired from the police department for saying stuff they didn't like has moved on and got a job that looks like it pays better and is more fun. Seems they don't know when to let go and stop looking dumb. It's not like Jonestown doesn't have bigger things to worry about. No word on whether the mayor has a new communications director yet.

Other than that all we got so far this week is some fatal car wrecks and drug deaths, some more minor crimes. As in no dead people. The non-corporate outlet has a bit on the incident that there is absolutely positively no reason to consider a hate crime. Aside from... nevermind.