Tuesday 26 March 2024 10:31:49 1711467109

Jonestown paper hasn't isn't putting up basketball pics so maybe the change is permanent. For some reason I have a feeling not a lot of people looking at the site. No idea how many subscribers they have - $6.50 a month is $78 a year and I can't see paying that for what they offer. If I want to look at articles I use a browser that prevents it from seeing I've looked at more than one article and sending me to the paywall screen, or I google the subject and read it somewhere else. Here's a suggestion:

Leave most content open with premium stuff available to subscribers. If you have any premium stuff. More viewers will allow you to make some decent money from ad revenue. The thirty-something Paxton newspapers could generate a lot of money if you do it right.

Hire some sharp developers to build a custom template and optimize to get traffic up and improve ad revenue. A good feature to add would be a comments feature on articles. It's not expensive or difficult and will increase traffic.

Add a business directory and sell listings and advertisements. This is dirt cheap to implement and will pay off big.

The telly folks can use some of those ideas. Gray TV has something like 180 stations and the can make some serious dinero. I'm not interested in doing it again, too happy being retired. There are plenty of guys out there can do it, but too few suits with the vision to ask them to.

The usual crimes in the area, the usual drug busts and violence, not as many killings lately. And no child victims in a while, something to be thankful for. Unless using children as a front to attack education reform counts. Eliminating racist propaganda from the curriculum is somehow violating the free speech of someone of other. They can talk about it all they want but the government schools should not be sponsoring indoctrination. Maybe offer it as an optional course but even at that it is so full of propaganda that it is damaging to students. I suspect that the first stop or two on the judicial food chain the ruling will go against the state. Whether it eventually goes to the Supreme Court is another question.

More reason to get your kids out of government schools as even relatively decent ones will be under attack in the courts. If you can't homeschool or use a private school (and keep a close eye on those) at least know what your kids are being exposed to and inoculate them against it. In the sixties I had teachers here in a small-town school pushing leftist propaganda. Our parents always asked us what went on at school and we told them. The school got rid of one recent import (Chicago) because of that and some other antics but some of the old teachers who had been there for a while were more careful and a lot of the kids ended up being poisoned by it. The situation is much worse these days and parents who care should be vigilant.

The other day the telly had a bit about the school shooting in '98. I remember that one well. I was home sick and slept all day and when I woke up I turned the TV on just time to hear 'that school shooting in Jonesboro' before a commercial break. I was hoping it wasn't Jonesboro, Arkansas - there are some Jonesboros in other states but the one in Arkansas is the only one of any size. Pretty bad, back then there hadn't been as many of them as there would be later, as in after 2000. It's one of the very few school shootings that wasn't done by perps who were on psychotropic medications. That's another story for another time if there ever is a time when anyone of consequence cares to listen. Or at least not just resort to knee-jerk denials. Later.