Wednesday 28 February 2024 17:06:14 1709161574
Usually this would be the last of February, but we got the extra day this time.  One more day of that special month, IYKWIM.  Anyhow the Jonestown paper about the same, the website that is.  Baseball player disappeared, all basketball again.  Okey-dokey.  They did have an article in the local section about how if you want to sign a petition for a Freedom of Information Act amendment to the state constitution.  If that's the same one I voted against today it was already there.  Is someone wanting another one?  That'd be next election.  Anyway I voted against all of'em, the other main ones being the schools wanting more money (again) the local Medical Industry facility in Cross County wanting to continue getting another percent of everything spent in the country for another four years.  No thanks, but I expect the sheeple will go for it, you threaten their health care or their children and they fall in line.  Used to anyway, they did just say no to the money school money grab last time.  Don't expect it to be so easy to get them to stop sending money to Saint Barnyards already. 

I expect some folks won't see it that way, and I understand being fearful, especially for older folks more likely to get sick.  Believe me, personal experience, more than once family young (under a year) and old (grandparents) had to be taken out of there to Memphis or Jonesboro or they would have died.  Anyway, what I'll do is this: if the hospital will have a reputable auditor prepare a financial report, all revenues and expenditures accounted for, where every dime went, and I may reconsider whether or not they should have what they're asking for. 

OK, the local telly (and the Jonestown paper) had a blurb on a human trafficking investigation affair in Jonestown.  Seems a number of victims or maybe was about to be victims were idenfified, a possible perp was identified, no arrests, about it.  Jonestown come a long way from where it was forty years ago, in the wrong direction.  And there was big fight at a the school in Marianna.  Well... nah, not gonna say it.  Wouldn't be prudent.  Or make a difference, 'tis what it is. 

I did notice that the guy with the NEA blog has had a little more depth in some of his articles lately.  Would be nice to have more of that, and interesting to see what happened if he started asking the wrong questions to the wrong people.  Shining a light into dark places... you never know what might happen.