Sunday 28 April 2024 14:18:49 1714331929

A NEA legislator was mentioned in this bit the other day. IMNSHO it there should be no state funding of this so-called public broadcasting - if they can exist with contributions let them do as they please. But as long as they are spending money appropriated from working people like me they should live with the regulation. Apparently some in the legislature were uneasy about management:

PBS administrators faced questions from lawmakers last year about the results of a 2022 audit of the agency that revealed what auditors considered questionable purchasing practices. Auditors and lawmakers expressed concerns that PBS officials sidestepped state laws related to contract bidding, possibly intentionally. CEO Courtney Pledger and her cohorts insisted they had no such intentions. (NEA Report)

Duh. Didja expect them to admit it? Anyway the taxpayers don't need to be paying for it, but while the Arkansas legislature is mostly Republican many Arkansas Republicans are RINOs - either milquetoasts or dims who know they can never get elected in their districts with a D by their names.

Unsurprisingly all the admitted dims in the Senate voted against it. Fortunately there are only a half dozen.

Sullivan supporting sensible legislation is no indication of principle or character. If I were still in his district I'd vote for a dim before him. He was CEO of now-defunct Ascent Children's Health Services. If you want to be disgusted do some research - here's a starter kit. I'll be sure to contact his opponents next time around in case they don't have this.

They haven't buried the former governor/senator (mostly senator) yet so the telly site had another article with remarks from Slick Willie himself:

Despite all the work Pryor did, Clinton said Pryor always felt like he could do more.

"He proved it by the votes he cast, the actions he took, the speeches he made and the life he put together after he left office", Clinton said. "And when you run the score up, there's a lot of people who are better off because David Pryor lived. And all of us that were along for the ride, we're better off, too, aren't we?" (KAIT)

Nope. I would be better off if Bubba had never been president and each dim president since has done even more damage. The worst Republican - and there are some real losers there - is better than the best dim because dims are owned by their party and will always serve the party. As Ann Coulter famously said 'there are a lot of bad Republicans but there are no good Democrats'. In the era of Pryor and Bumpers it wasn't so bad but today the party has the Republic at the edge of the abyss. It is tempting to hope they get what they want provided I can survive to watch what happens as the tools of the revolution, so certain of their rightness and value to their party, learn the awful truth. But I hope it doesn't go that way. If the present regime continues - whether under Joetato or something worse - the Republic is truly finished. Whatever form the nation takes - remaining in one piece or breaking apart - the Republic is likely gone for good.