Tuesday 9 April 2024 12:53:35 1712685215

Now that the eclipse thing is over it's back to what passes for news. Jonestown paper the usual, decent cartoon and a link to a lefty columnist who like some of her ilk are starting to kinda sorta get it but can't make the leap into reality. And of course sports.

They had a bit about how Jonestown is gonna get some money for EV chargers. Seems ARDOT got fifteen million from the taxpayers for the project. Thirty-four trillion closing fast on thirty-five (a trillion every hundred days) why not go for it. Considering the billions already spent subsidizing people buying the things it is rather trivial. Apparently most of the half of the population that pays taxes still doesn't have time to worry about it. But near a million a pop for the chargers seems... about right for government work.

Up in Paragould the fashionably woke city government got in on it real quick, bought a couple of Tesla police cars a year or two ago. They ended up sitting at some house for a while, a friend used to drive by and check on them now and then. I'll have to remember to ask her next time we talk.

Not northeast Arkansas but this part of the state seems to be headed that way. That cop seems to have a serious attitude problem. I noticed a couple of actual LE types backing her up, they should have arrested her for assault with a deadly weapon. As a guy who lived through where this is headed said, what would have things been like if.... I'm surprised Arkansas has managed to maintain a completely Republican congressional delegation with NWA in the mix. The rep from that district seems a mixed bag, good on most things but went over to the dark side on the Fedsurrection thing. I guess it could be worse.

The governor announced some appointments. Wonder if the chronic malcontents will object to any or they're still waiting with bated breath the revelations in the great lectern scandal and massacree. It's April so it should be any day now.