Sunday 25 August 2024 17:37:13 1724625433

Thursday 22 August 2024 09:12:51 PM CDT

Fooling around with gradient backgrounds. Jawbreaker is the second track on Defenders of the Faith, following Freewheel Burning which is a serious rocker as Priest openings normally are. Defenders was in the metal monsters era that continued up through Painkiller after which Rob took an extended leave from the band. I pretty much took leave as well until he returned with Angel of Retribution. Okey-dokey, we got Rock Hard Ride Free with the Heading out to the Highway and Living after Midnight vibe. Side two on vinyl begins with a spooky rocker about vampires. There was a track I wish they hadn't put there but there you are - The Sentinel on Side 1 will be echoed in it's post-apocalyptic mood and Glenn and KK switching leads several times would be reprised with Nightcrawler on Painkiller.

Whatever the writers were thinking about when they wrote Jawbreaker - I get the impression of one of their metal monsters - the idea of a powerful being long confined and perhaps tormented and about to erupt. Perhaps Samson pulling down the Philistine temple.

Over in Memphis a 16-year-old kid was driving around with a machine gun and the cops got after him. In the ensuing chase he precipitated a five car crash. Three dead so far, and a bunch in the hospital. Sadly the perpetrator is in non-critical condition - others were not as fortunate:

Crash victims:

Vehicle #1

    Male suspect, 16, non-critical

Vehicle #2

    Dantrice Stanback, 26, deceased
    Shekila Sivley, 26, deceased
    Patrice Hughes, 47, deceased
    Female, 2, non-critical

Vehicle #3

    Female, 34, non-critical

Vehicle #4

    Female, 63, non-critical
    Female 17, non-critical

Vehicle #5

    Male, 32, non-critical


Some residents didn't think much of the way the police handled it:

Another man we talked to says the blame can go on both the parents and Memphis Police.

"Every time they chase somebody, somebody dies. Stop chasing people. Why you chasing? There's more than one way to catch somebody," he said.

I have to agree that car chases on city streets aren't a good idea. It's dangerous enough out here in the country when the local and state law are pursuing a malefactor out on the highways. No word on whether any Dodge Chargers were involved.

Arkansas Supreme court put the amendment fight to bed, caught a guy apparently behind the fake government check scam, Post Office says mail delivery may get even slower. I can mail a letter from Jonesboro to Batesville and it'll take even longer than a few weeks? That school super at Blytheville is done until the lawsuit. Another body turned up, another body in a river that is. What's that? Three or so in the past couple of weeks? Time to call it a day.

Friday 23 August 2024 12:32:29 PM CDT

That Misery state trooper story is... time was I'd say weird but it's noways near unusual these days. Bad enough when regular people do it but law enforcement types are entrusted - not by me but still by most people - to be able to not even have such base desires much less act on them. Even out here in the hinterlands avoiding law enforcement to the best of your ability is the best policy. The chances of any encounter - even if you called them - being beneficial are slim. Drive the speed limit, keep the tags and insurance updated, don't give them any reason to 'make contact'. It's a sad situation but there you are.

Forbes says Saint Bernards in Jonestown is one of the best employers in the state. They certainly aren't one of the best places to be a patient. I'll be generous and guess that they just didn't consider NEA Baptist because it's part of the big Memphis hospital. Either way if I've gotta to a hospital NEA would be my preference. I've had family and friends in both and been in Saint Bernards and never want to go back. I suppose working in a bad hospital can be a good job - I worked at a couple of dysfunctional companies and while I had it good being one of the stars and was financially compensated accordingly it was still irritating to watch the antics of incompetents.

The other non-politician running for mayor in Jonestown looks like a decent fellow. Sadly decent people rarely get elected and when they do before long they're up to their ears in alligators and as the feller said when you're in that position it's hard to remember that you came to drain the swamp.

Jonestown was calm yesterday, one of my regular stops was a little busy for midweek. Stopped to look at tractors at the new Kubota place south of town. Thinking about a couple of BX1880s for mowing the two big yards. Dunno, they're still pretty much the same and the radiator sucks debris like a... nevermind. Anyway in any kind of warm weather they constantly clog and overheat and you gotta stop and blow the junk out. To be brutally honest Kubota quality don't seem to be what it once was. Deeres are over-engineered (if all you're doing is mowing) and got their own quality problems. Maybe look at one of the other stuff. Most seems to be made in Korea and they're decent even if quality seems to have suffered with growth. I'll think on it some - be next year anyway.

Okey-dokey, it's Friday so the next couple of days may have some crime action. Hope not but it is what it is.

Saturday 24 August 2024 15:12:32 PM CDT

That's a Dodge Charger that isn't stolen and/or being chased by the police. Chargers are popular with police departments as was the Ford Crown Vic and Chevy Caprices. Big rear-wheel drive. Not sure why the thugs like them. Actually I have a pretty good idea but why say it?

The Misery state trooper thing gets weirder and weirder. Who has nekkid pictures of themselves on their phone? For that matter who doesn't carry a clean phone - a burner with NOTHING except essential phone numbers for emergencies - when you're going anywhere in a car. If you must carry your regular phone hide it and if asked for a phone give them the burner. How hard is it to carry your driver's license and insurance card? What do you do if you lose your phone with all that stuff on it?

The city of Hickory Ridge wants to have a sales tax. They don't have one now and any city not having a sales tax is pretty unusual these days. One percent is what they want, usually the case. One cent at a time. Some cities have gone to going for a half or three quarters of a cent, being near or at (or over) ten percent I guess they figure asking for a whole penny might not be a good idea. People seem to be getting smarter - or just resent being constantly taxed by people who think that if they're smart enough to get elected you should give them money and be pronounced wise by the corrupt and wicked people who control our world.

Modest misbehavior so far. Drunk dude banged into a police car around Jonestown - I'd have to be pretty drunk (I don't drive under the influence of adult beverages or other stuff that messes with your mind) to hit any kind of car. I avoid being around police cars anyway but this one was unmarked so the dude might sue.

Cop was on his way to Poinsett county because somebody shot at a judge up there. Dunno what that was about - haven't kept up with Poinsett County lately. Used to be kinda wild but mostly under the radar kind of stuff, kept it local. My memory of something unusual about Poinsett County is best left untold. Drive through Harrisburg once or twice a week. It's growing up some, big fancy Jordan's there at the light, replacing the little old one that was there for years. Guess they're doing pretty well. Nice places but pretty much all the new ones are.

Jonestown paper pretty much football now, cartoons on the editorial page more balanced these days. They might get more clicks if they had a comics page - dunno if the print version has them or not, haven't read a newspaper in so long. Jonestown Sun is a buck and a quarter and you can get something actually useful for that at Dollar Tree. The Merchandiser is free and about as much paper and you can use it to find used cars or people to mow your lawn. I used to get the Sunday paper, always read the comics first. BC, the Wizard, Dilbert and the Far Side for sure. Far Side and Dilbert were probably the top two comics of the latter 20th early 21st centuries. Larson retired some time ago but I still laugh when I see one of his toons. Dilbert's creator got canceled some time back - spoke an inconvenient truth and you can't do that. You can tell huge lies and call them truth and make a lot of money.

The Cross County hospital is losing money but apparently less than it was. Wonder if they'll have the nerve to ask for an extra one percent sales tax on top of what they already got. Considering that the schools will be back for more, sure why not. NEA doesn't have quite the problems with parasites (illegals or domestic) but as long as you have millions - a lot of millions - of people who don't pay for health care of groceries or housing or anything else but are considered by those in charge to be entitled to it you're gonna have those problems. I'm about to go pay out of pocket for an MRI because the insurance won't until the doctor has done about a half dozen other tests first. With those coming a month or more apart I could be dead by then. Then the only one getting money out of me will be the funeral home.

Since it's well into Sunday with no major stuff might as well comment on the Earle thing. I probably commentated on something related to Earle a while back but don't believe it was this. I googled the name of the mayor and found a Wickedpedia page. Not much but not many small-town mayors have a wiki page. Anyone wants to can put one up and if it's not deemed notable it will disappear. I suppose this is one is because he's the youngest African-American mayor and one of the youngest mayors, being eighteen or so when he was elected. Nice-looking young man and no doubt he means well - if any Democrat can - but Earle isn't much to work with. Like Parkin it's dying and there's not much to be done. All the small towns except the ones close to larger cities are going that way. Wynne is almost stable but there's a lot of people there always trying to grow it and there was more to start with. I don't always agree with the way they go about it but they don't ask me.

What can be done about places like Parkin and Earle administration-wise? Parkin closed their school and sends their kids to Wynne now which solved that problem. It looks like Earle still has their schools and while Parkin is just a short distance from Wynne (I probably rode the school bus further when I was in school) Earle is a long way from anything. I would suggest that where practical these dying towns could be administered by a central authority at the county level. Things like law enforcement (the article was about the school losing its SRO) would be handled by the county and infrastructure probably at that level. Problem is rarely do the locals want to give up their power and centralizing it only improves it if the central authority isn't or doesn't become corrupt and inefficient. Which they usually do.

Commentate is a real word. I fool around and use fake words a lot because I like to fool around. I try to emulate the great El Rushbo in mangling the lingo intentionally. Obviously I don't do it as well. There was only one Rush.

Movie reviews next time? Hafta think about it. Later.

And all the pressure that's been building up For all the years it bore the load The cracks appear the frame starts to distort It's ready to explode. Jawbreaker (Judas Priest 1984)
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Isaiah 5:20 King James Version 20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!