Wednesday 28 August 11:32:19 PM CDT 2024 : 1723149414

Monday 26 August 2024 05:38:14 PM CDT

Novella was the seventh studio album by Renaissance, I believe the third with Annie. It followed Scheherazade and Other Stories which I probably like better and preceded what I regard as their magnum opus - A Song for All Seasons. That would be the last with an orchestra. That was around the time that orchestra workers were unionizing and running up the cost of using them. Some actually made noises about suing record companies that went to using synths instead. Some people.

Annie is my favorite female singer ever, my other probably is Maddy Prior of Steeleye Span. The angelic quality of Annie's voice is like that of Karen Carpenter and both were in the days before electronics and other trickery could make anyone appear to be able to sing. Watching videos from the 1970s you can see that she could do live what was on the vinyl. On Captive Heart they seem to have overdubbed her a time or two for a layered effect that I found pleasing. I watched a vid from a tour a couple of years ago and they had backing vocalists providing the effect. I could probably dig out my vinyl copy and look at the liner notes.

Annie has been painting for quite a few years and does some nice stuff. You can see it here. Best albums to get know Renaissance are probably Prologue, Ashes are Burning, Scheherezade, Novella and definitely A Song for All Seasons. Wishbone Ash guitarist Andy Powell sits in on the title track of AAB, gives it kind of a (folksy) Free Bird treatment with the extended finish. I seem to remember him performing it with them live a time or two.

OK, what else? That's enough for now, check them out. Good stuff.

What happening in NEA? The two shootings in Jonestown are on all the NEA sites except the paper. They'll probably get around to it in a few days. One was on Fairview Drive. A couple of streets north of Race Street. Other one was over in that area behind Kroger. That used to be a decent neighborhood, knew a girl that lived there. That was... nevermind.

What the NEA sites don't have - OK, Jonesbororight now is just about Jonesboro - is thing about the kid in Wynne and the Wynne Police Department. I guess they made contact with him. It isn't even on the Wynne Progress site. You can read the account the Memphis telly site has. I won't comment as the only info is from the father of the child and the school and police department apparently have refused to comment.

I can tell you from personal experience what they did forty years ago but I hope some progress has been made in that time. I wasn't thirteen - I was nineteen or twenty and my hippie friends had told me how to deal with them. They were smart enough not to arrest me but tried the old we just want you to help us routine. There's a funny story about that but it's a little long, maybe later.

I'll check the local guys later - I suspect NEA Report will have something on it. He actually digs in and has some useful info.

Checking in on the shootings over the weekend, little more info, names and pics on one. In the other one the perp was identified as a juvie so no name or pic. The dude that shot at the judge up in Poinsett county looks to be spending his time in jail as he awaits trial. Shooting at a judge's house, shooting his mule. What kind of sick freak shoots a man's mule? Drugs, having a gun while being a certain person (always like they way they put that) and counterfeit C-notes. Seems like the kind of guy that shouldn't be running at large.

Still nothing more on the school threat. I looked into it a bit and got a little info about the victim. I mean the kid who was arrested.

For the Dodge Charger story of the day we go up to Clay County. At least if you're where I am it would be up as in north. Got family up there, Mom's side of the family. Used to go to Corning at Thanksgiving or some holiday, seems it was in the fall. The regime is carefully assembling all these morsels to find out who I am. How do they know I'm not making it all up? Anyway this Dodge Charger was, well here it is:

Deputies found the driver to be a 16-year-old juvenile from Rantoul, Illinois. The driver said he and his brother, 20-year-old Justin Martinez-Tapia, also of Rantoul, Illinois, were going to Texas. Both reportedly did not have driver's licenses, but Tapia had two IDs with a different identity on one of them.
Nothing to see here, move along. What Chris?

It was a 16-year-old juvie that was driving around with a machine gun in the car and the Memphis police chased him and caused a five car wreck that killed three people?

Yeah yeah, I wrote about it already. But I don't know if he was driving a Dodge Charger. Sometimes they're driving an Infiniti or a Hyundai or a Kia. I don't write the script - I'm just watching the movie. And if you hear me scream once in a while it's because you're killing me too.

Tuesday 27 August 2024 01:26:35 PM CDT

The Memphis USPS situation has the attention of Congressman Rick Crawford. Rick's a good guy - give him a link there. What good it will do is anyone's guess but at least someone is trying. As I said a while back this has been a problem since they closed the Jonesboro facility and now mail to and from NEA has to go through Memphis. Memphis is shrinking and NEA is growing - how does that make sense?

I don't use the mail much - once in a while I have to send a certified letter and I have certain packages delivered by US mail but that's about it. I do get small Amazon packages in my primary residential mailbox because UPS and FedEx offload small packages to USPS. I always get those on time. Hmmm, you don' think... nah.

Problem is it's a government problem and won't be fixed unless we get a better government. Electing President Trump for a third time so he can serve his second term will help but he's gonna have bigger problems to deal with those problems are our problems too. The post office should eventually get some attention but not gonna hold my breath.

I've received big checks through the mail, some bigger than 50K. I never sent one that way - FedEx is the only safe way. But I suppose I guessed that using USPS overnight should be safe. Apparently sometimes it isn't.

What is it about the Kum & Go at Southwest and Culberhouse? There seems to be a lot of mischief happens there. I know convenience stores in general are gonna get this kind of stuff but that's a pretty decent part of town. Or used to be, it's been several years since it was a regular stop for me but I drive by regularly. Crime is more mobile that it used to be.

Should there be a website?

Won't comment on the inmate that died at the Walnut Ridge jail or the doctor that got arrested in Forrest city - just the usual stuff. If I got put in jail I would prefer Walnut Ridge to Forrest City but generally find that not doing things to get put in jail for is a good idea.

Wednesday 28 August 2024 01:26:35 PM CDT

Latest found bodies are suspected foul play in this case and under investigation this one. It seems that the latter was found inside a domicile so it's a switch from those found in natural settings.

The latest Race Street area shooting seems to be figured out. I was thinking that the Links apartments were kinda upscale but they don't look it. Guess being located near the golf course (dunno it the golf course is part of the deal or what but the rent ain't that high) isn't necessarily high class. I don't golf - could tellya a funny story if I had the time but I don't.

OK, with that out of the way I'll comment on the Fisher Ditch matter. Now even if you live in Wynne - I once did, actually twice I did - and liked to drive around and look at stuff and if you ask me where the Fisher Ditch is I can tell you. Dunno how many other people can. I even know how it got its name. OK, it's one of those ditches that runs through a residential area, houses on both sides, the back yards go off into the ditch. Been that way for years, next time I'm there I may drive over and see if the sign is still there. At at the end, there on Killough Road, is a sign. Fisher Ditch. Miss it if you aren't looking for it.

Not if they can't get some people to let them go across their yards to get to the ditch to clean it out, that's kinda weird that they haven't figured out a solution. No, it's the $200K grant from the taxpayers to do it. And I notice they want to 'reinforce' the Fisher Ditch once it's cleaned out so it won't erode more of the yards. Now if I thought they were just gonna truck in some riprap to stop the erosion that would seem reasonable but the fact is I've seen that ditch and if twenty feet of yards has gone away that would take some serious flooding. OK, put the rocks in but don't ask me to pay for it.

Still no official news on the thirteen-year-old kid that was allegedly coerced by Wynne police into making a false confession. That's a serious accusation and it it's true it's really serious. Nothing more on the young man from the Judsonia area killed by perps from Memphis. I'll stay on top of it.

I made my dreams then lost them They left and I went away There's no romance in the memory That's part of yesterday But feelings linger stronger sometimes So hard to disappear When what holds you is a treasure You've stored throughout the years Finding out the hard way The captive heart has lost and won a thousand lovers That place each moment close to living in each other Reaching out for treasures Scattered in their dreams Trying takes a life of loving so it seems So carry on don't stop your feelings Try and make them flow Somewhere there's a vision waiting You'll find it when you know Taking the final curtain That's coming down on you Leaving the play of fools Move onto life you knew Fiding out the hard way See Renaissance Live Get tickets as low as $65 You might also like Touching Once (Is So Hard to Keep) Renaissance Midas Man Renaissance Song of Scheherazade Renaissance No easy path to conquer Trying to compromise Climbing through my anguish I see your fading eyes The captive heart has lost and won a thousand lovers That place each moment close to living in each other Reaching out for treasures Scattered in their dreams Loving takes a life of trying so it seems
Prime Chuck Norris 51 minutes ago {NEA REPORT After the gunfire ended, Nesby and Chandler got into a purple Charger and fled the scene. @ Can't make this stuff up. When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you. Reply +3 (4+ ]-) DePloraBelle 40 minutes ago Perps from Jonesboro, Blytheville, and two from Memphis. Business as usual. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply 1 Jawbreaker 21 minutes ago Chargers are ugly as sin but purple Chargers are downright weird. Anyway if you see a Charger watch out. And all the pressure that's been building up, For all the years it bore the load, The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort, It's ready to explode. Reply 1 Jessica Atreides Marshall 12 minutes ago It does seem they're locking them up with decent bail but the continued increasing crime suggests it's a steady influx. Not good. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply 0