Thursday 12 September 2024 19:23:59 PM CDT

Tuesday 10 September 2024 11:42:18 AM CDT

Operation Mindcrime followed The Warning and until Mindcrime II made it three were the only two of what are called concept albums. American Soldier is described as being one but I kinda dropped Queensryche after Empire and haven't heard it. For me it's what they did best - I rarely listen to their other stuff. Somewhere along the line personnel problems occurred and personnel changes occurred, the most notable being the departure of Geoff Tate. He's a great singer and songwriter but sometimes things don't work just because as Dennis DeYoung could tell you.

Thus for me QR is pretty much those two albums - OMII was good and the appearance by Ronnie James Dio was a nice touch but overall not quite up to the first one. A live recording is available and is quite good as well.

I probably wonder sometimes what the writers (Geoff Tate and Michael Wilton are credited) would think looking at the world today about what they wrote then. They were young guys then and it was fashionable to hate Reagan. Why not - while the propaganda assault on Trump does indeed dwarf that of the Reagan era in size and intensity make no mistake - Reagan's enemies hated him in a serious way. The irony is that Reagan was the one president in a long time that wasn't a puppet of the corporates and the rich and powerful. Trump is the same way and that is why he was deposed and his enemies will stop at literally as in the literal meaning of literally nothing to stop him. The artistic world is mostly influenced in its thought by the leftist news/entertainment media.

In 1988 the Reagan era was nearing its end - the fact that Bush 41 succeeded him in no way continued it and the destruction resumed immediately. I agree that the news and entertainment (is there really a difference?) is controlled by 'the rich' and big corporations and those who profit from them most are the very rich. The panicky rage directed at Elon Musk - previously the darling of the left because electric cars - when he he not only took their multibillion dollar psyop toy away from them is amusing but displays the danger lurking there.

Anyway a couple or three great works that get revisited regularly. Having a big place with no close neighbors where I can crank it up is nice. Enough of that, what kind of 'news' have they got for us?

What they got for us, small stuff first, is this and this and this. Then we have this guy. Another body found in Misery, this one not in a river but it was found by fishermen. Maybe there was a river nearby. That's the small stuff so far. I'll go ahead and put the Dodge Charger story de jour here because it involves a special Dodge Charger.

In important stuff we see that the unfortunate victim of the Jonestown police misbehaving will get a shot at justice. That's not the one where the cop beat up a handcuffed dude and then when they got the handcuffed dude in jail he got beat up some more by some inmates. No, this is the one where the cop was driving real fast - not in an emergency and not even on duty - and an unfortunate passenger was left crippled permanently.

'You failed to stop your vehicle and entered the intersection and were struck by another vehicle which had the right of way, causing extensive damage to both vehicles and other property,' said the report approved by Capt. Kelly Baggett. (NEA Report)
Cop got suspended for two days. Here's what happened to the passenger in the car he hit:
Carolyn Johnson, 66, suffered a broken wrist and three cracked or fractured ribs. Michael Johnson, who was a juvenile at the time, suffered a fractured ankle. The third occupant, Haley Johnson (now Boyd), 21, had her spine fractured by the wreck. Johnson has lost all use of her legs. Muscle atrophy has set in. She can barely use her arms. She can barely even stay seated in a wheel chair. (NEA Report)
The trial is to see if the city can get off with having it's insurance pay something like $50,000 and no more consequences. I would hope that the jury does the right thing but not gonna hold my breath. Jonestown paper is the usual. If third-world imports begin eating people's pets in Jonestown we'll know it's getting bad. The government has dumped massive numbers of them in small cities so it could happen.

KAIT has been running the cop murder trial in Memphis so we had a talk about that. I guess they figure Memphis is what they call Region 8 but maybe it's because it's an important national story.

What, Chris?

It's not being covered much anywhere except Memphis? Yeah, I can see that.

I haven't seen much anywhere except Memphis and it's been pretty sparse there. Maybe when the trial starts they'll have daily coverage. Anyhow some folks were talking about it over at the undisclosed location of the week.

Wednesday 11 September 2024 10:12:38 AM CDT

The City of Jonesboro is still trying to wiggle out of that debacle where a cop caused a big smashup that I mentioned yesterday.

This didn't involve a Dodge Charger but a while a brand new Mazda CX-5 is cheaper than a Charger it's a modest chunk of change. Why a guy from Milwaukee is in Blytheville is none of anyone's business but when he's got a bunch of drugs... anyway the Mazda may have gotten a scratch or two when the ASP guy turned him around as the stock car racers say. He's in the Mississippi Detention Center. I don't wanna be in any detention center but Mississippi County is one place where I don't wanna be in the detention center. Crittenden is another and St. Francis is another and so on. Dude may find himself wishing he was back in the Milwaukee detention center.

Dunno what to think about this. One of the bodies they find occasionally, this is the one from Saturday. Looking at the perp pics I can see part of the problem. Living carelessly has consequences sooner of later - this guy got his sooner. Presumably the perps will get theirs soon.

One or two of the local outlets reported on the debate between Dan Sullivan and the Democrat who wants to unseat him. I don't care for Democrats but if I still lived in his district I'd vote for a diseased donkey before I'd vote for him. He never suffered any repercussions from this and probably never will. Not killing a kid in your Medicaid-farming day care center is bad enough but the guy running the place for him went to run that dump of a hospital that almost killed me. Aside from that I have no opinion except that they both should be in prison.

It doesn't say where the criminal juvies were from or what kind of car they were in so just another day in Jonestown. This was interesting though:

According to the probable cause affidavit, the vehicle search revealed 43 grams of a 'green leafy substance suspected to be marijuana' behind the radio in the dash, three loaded handguns with rounds in the chamber, two of which were reported stolen from the city of Jonesboro, and approximately $1200. (
Excuse me? Did they belong to the city of Jonesboro? That would be weird. Gonna guess they were stolen from somewhere in the city, not the city itself. But you never know.

Thursday 12 September 2024 19:22:18 AM CDT

Don't know if this got by someone or they just put stuff in without reading it. I may or may not have mentioned that my undisclosed locationis in the middle of a new wind farm. No point in dealing in facts - that's the last thing that's gonna work when the powers that be have decided. As one fellow said:

The whole point of the millions spent to get Trump into court and convict him of something - anything - before the election got them what they wanted. Convicted felon convicted felon convicted felon convicted felon didn't replace Russia Russia Russia - they're still using that one. The fourteen women and five men hanged at Salem in 1692 were convicted. The difference is we are supposed to be more rational these days. (alexcorrino@Sciynor)
This particular project is supposed to be decomissioned in 2055. That's 32 years from today and they haven't started building yet and that will take a couple of years. Aside from them building radar towers to detect aircraft in the vicinity so they can turn the beacons on (they attract birds and people living around there don't like them) so airplanes don't hit them (aircraft collisions with windmills are said to be 'rare') I like this one:
The wind company will likely be requesting eagle kill permission permits from the US Fish & Wildlife. If the average person accidently kills an's a $100,000 fine and possible jail time. Yet, a foreign owned corporation can pre-pay for eagle deaths at a discounted rate of $30,000 per eagle. This private project for private gain is now public and has a federal nexus.
That's a fact by the way. And it's a fact that most are being built by foreign - mostly European - companies. But like I said about facts.

Mayoral candidates in Jonestown going to have a debate. Probably won't watch - I don't live in Jonestown and figure either the mayor or the city council guy that wants it will win. I see a lot of his signs up so he may have some money behind him. If they record it and put it up on the site I may watch some. If I had to pick a mayor for Jonestown it would be anyone but the incumbent.

Okey-dokey, that should do it for this installment. Tomorrow is a Friday 13th - wonder if they have Friday the 13th film marathons going on any of the movie channels. First one or two weren't bad but anything goes on that long is gonna get silly. These days probably people just binge it.


They've given me a mission
I don't really know the game yet
I'm bent on submission
Religion is to blame
I'm the new messiah
Death Angel with a gun
Dangerous in my silence
Deadly to my cause

Speak to me the pain you feel
Speak the word
The word is all of us

I've given my life to become what I am
To preach the new beginning
To make you understand
To reach some point of order
Utopia in mind, you've got to learn
To sacrifice, to leave what's now behind

Speak to me the pain you feel
Speak the word
The word is all of us
Speak the word
The word is all of us

Seven years of power
The corporation claw
The rich control the government, the media the law
To make some kind of difference
Then everyone must know
Eradicate the fascists, revolution will grow

The system we learn says we're equal under law
But the streets are reality, the weak and poor will fall
Let's tip the power balance and tear down their crown
Educate the masses, We'll burn the White House down

Speak to me the pain you feel
Speak to me the pain you feel
Speak the word (Revolution)
The word is all of us
Speak the word (Revolution)
The word is all of us
Speak the word
The word is all of us
Speak the Word
The word is all of us





