Thursday 15 August 03:36:54 PM CDT 2024 : 1723149414

Monday 12 August 2024 12:15:32 PM CDT

First time I saw Dokken was around 1984. With a couple of other guys we hung together since high school, we'd gotten busy with work and stuff and didn't make a lot of concerts. Twisted Sister was playing the North Hall as they call it. I guess this was just after Stay Hungry was released and they were big there for a few years. We were there pretty early and decided to go to one of the new restaurants they built a bunch of down there by the river, forget what the deal was, some big economic project fixing up the riverfront. It as a seafood place and I had a mako shark steak, never had eaten shark as far as I knew but that doesn't mean I hadn't. Buying fish and chips wrapped in newspaper in England you never know - never suspected it was shark though, pretty regular fish.

Anyhow we were older than most of the crowd, jeans and cowboy boots, I was wearing a tweed jacket. These guys all leather and chains and stuff we kind of stood out. Place wasn't near full and we sat up high in a sparsely populated area. A middle-aged African American man and woman came in, dressed nice, and sat near us. He was carrying a radio like maybe he was something to do with management or security. These days you go to see one of the old bands like Priest or Maiden you'll see all kinds of all ages, from old guys like us to youngsters and in between.

Great show, pretty much the original crew with Jay Jay French and Eddie Ojeda on guitars. Dokken opened and it was a pretty short set and there were some sound problems but I went out and bought the albums they had out. George is up there on my list of great guitarists. Like most metal bands the best way to hear them is live and I got to see them a couple of years later. Got some pretty good high-quality concert videos.

Non-headbangers may know Dokken for their contribution of Dream Warriors to one of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. They had a rather tempestuous history, breakups and reunions and all. OK, what we got in news?

Couple of police chases, the one that ended near Lake City identified the perp as being from Blytheville but the latest one didn't. If you know who it is you probably know where he's from (or she as in this case) or at least what address is on the driver's license. What Chris? Oh yeah, sometimes they don't have a driver's license and sometimes the vehicle is stolen as well, so there's that. Point is there's a lot of crime in Jonestown and around NEA generally being done by people that aren't from around here.

Speaking of crime - including crime committed by LE types - we have this.

Idunno, probably politics. That city council guy might give Copenhagen some trouble, doesn't want to wait his turn. The other guy I don't figure has a chance.

The Wynne Progress (I live near there where they got Highway 64 west of town a mess with the wind farm construction being run from there) seems to have Forrest City crime a lot. Wynne doesn't have a lot of murders - that one they had a while back at the party was the last I remember - so I guess if Forrest City has one... it's only about fifteen miles south which is closer than I'd like but I can't move it.

OK, the X thing supposed to happen at Memphis. Personally I doubt it will happen - even Elon has to depend on people knowing what they're doing and whoever was responsible for this doesn't seem to. Memphis isn't a good place to build anything and isn't improving. He does need to expand though - the regime tried to shut down his interview with President Trump tonight and delayed it for a while.

Tuesday 13 August 2024 12:15:32 PM CDT

Jonestown paper and KAIT both had the airport news. Not sure if investment in Blytheville - airport or anything else - does any good for anyone except who's getting the money but... Corning? Got family up there, farmers. Corning population is about 3K, airport operational stats 2023:

Aircraft based on the field: 20
Single engine airplanes: 17
Multi engine airplanes: 2
Helicopters: 1
Aircraft operations: avg 91/day *
97% local general aviation
3% transient general aviation
1% military
* for 12-month period ending 28 February 2023

OK, Corning airport needs 384K for a new terminal? That's somewhere north of a third of a million if my math is right. A million here, a million there. But this stuff has to end someday and that day isn't far off.

Anytime parents are able to avoid having the kids in government schools it's a good thing. That school choice thing the establishment was so unhappy about will save at least a few kids. Wish there were more places and probably there will be eventually.

Usual crime stuff, general problems people have around the area. Got to be in Jonestown tomorrow morning for business, probably won't get time to do the usual Thursday stuff so have to go back. Nice thing about having not much to do and the whole week to get it done. Okey-dokey.

Wednesday 14 Aug 2024 06:24:25 PM CDT

Just got back from Jonestown. As a passenger it's a different experience but one thing is you look more at things as your attention isn't on driving. Jonestown is nice, real nice in the places I go. I know about some of the others but rarely go there and when I do I do so carefully. Nice place though, nice people. Was in the medical district and this time I wasn't in an ambulance. Congested, Jonestown could do with another one out south. There is kinda one there where I had my bad experience but still you most of the time have to go downtown if you're involved in some ongoing medical situation.

My best girl is a good driver - I helped with that so she better be - and I was cool riding and looking. I know Jonestown like the back of my hand having alternately lived and worked regularly for so long. It's nice place and I wish it well but when I see it going the way cities all seem to I'm not optimistic. I'm spend a a bit of time and money there so I'd like it to stay nice, so I'll watch the upcoming election with some interest.

We left town over on the west side, down by the Doric dealer place (you're welcome) and came out on One well south of town. Which is a good way if you find it convenient. We passed the Tech Friends place (don't mention it) and I figure she probably didn't remember it was once a Coca-Cola bottling plant. Sure doesn't look like it. I told her about it, it was there for a years. I'd drive by all the time on Highland and the Coca-Cola trucks would be taking the product out all over the place. One day there was a law passed by the Arkansas legislature, called it the soda tax. Actually it was a tax on any beverage that had sugar or something like it, HFCS or such. Supposedly the money was for Medicaid and of course all the Medical Industry supported it. Dunno how much that had to do with it but the Coca-Cola plant shut down pretty soon afterwards.

The place sat empty for years, kinda like the hospital over on the bypass. The one where I nearly got killed by the same Medical Industry that likes to tax people at every opportunity for whatever they can. I believe the folks there now are the first ones to use, moved in a few years ago. Something to do with software for jails and prisons, somewhere I don't want to be.

It was one of the other thing, not about NEA, that caught my eye on the TV site.

Awful, just awful. But this stuff happens near every day somewhere and somehow we can't figure out a way to make it stop. I have some ideas but no one is asking me.

I'm guilty of making snarky remarks about criminal culture and Dodge Chargers or 20 year old Infinitum but sometimes it isn't funny. And what allowing this to continue is going to be not funny one of these days. Yeah, I'm pretty angry and feel helpless sometimes too.

Thursday 15 Aug 2024 12:07:11 PM CDT

Slow news day at least as biggies like killings go. Couple of people going away for a long time for horrible crimes The Jonestown paper ran an op-ed pushing the Liberterian party. I believe I commented on the one they had in Jonesbororightnow so I will say no more. Arkansas is a safe state so a handful of votes won't matter whether it's Liberterians or Greenies or RFKjr.

I might go over to Hickory Ridge and see the Big Boy. Haven't ever seen it up close, pretty impressive piece of machinery. It's on a Saturday and I don't go to Jonestown on weekends normally but might go ahead and drive up and back on 49. I don't know if it's on the north-south track but I don't remember there being an east-west track in Hickory Ridge. If I remember aright that track runs through Fair Oaks and there were a number of derailments there back in the day, the day being the 1960s. Actually Dad told me my grandfather helped clean up after one back even earlier, 1920s or thereabouts. An old steam loco it was.

Skeletal remains have been found at West Plains over in Misery. That's a good ways from NEA but it's KAIT so the ragged four corners (AR/MO/TN/MS) is their Region 8. Believe I'll knock off early. Catchyalater.

Remo Williams 49 minutes ago NAACP osig Caney Conersaten wath = esr pole ci elnig woken rest What's the NAACP got to do with it? The perp looked rather white to me. Or was I looking at the same thing? That's the biz sweetheart. Reply 7G Belushi Speedball 30 minutes ago Looks blanca to me. Here's a mugshot with race indicated as W. That usually means white. Same name and age Those who are inclined to suffer fools gladly should plan to spend a lot of time suffering. Reply 2Gl-) DePloraBelle 21 minutes ago Maybe the NAACP dude doesn't and didn't bother to check. To be fair most perps aren't. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply 2G[-) KaliforniaDreamin 12 minutes ago Watch it! 3 Life is a lemon and I want my money back. ~ Meat Loaf Reply +1 Jessica Atreides Marshall 37 minutes ago Wonder if the mayor is worried with the election coming up. Anything to make him look less bad. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply oGl-)
By KTVT via CNN Newsource Published: Aug. 13, 2024 at 2:40 AM CDT GRAND PRAIRIE (KTVT) - Police are blaming a crash that killed four members of a Texas family and left a teenager hospitalized on two suspects in Dodge Chargers who were allegedly street racing Atwo-vehicle crash in Grand Prairie, Texas, killed four members of the Rosales family. They were identified by family friends as parents Jessie and Lorena Rosales and two of their children, 6-year-old Angel and 13-year-old Stephanie. A third child, 16-year-old Anthony, was hospitalized with serious injuries. Police have two suspects in custody and blame the crash on street racing. They say two drivers in red and white Dodge Chargers were racing each other along Beltline Road around 8 p.m. Saturday. Investigators say the Rosales family was turning off the road Most F onto a side street when one of the Chargers hit them at a high rate of speed, causing the family’s car to flip and catch fire. © Wom:
Prime Chuck Norris 49 minutes ago That was awful, again. How many times? @ When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you. Reply Jessica Atreides Marshall 31 minutes ago I stopped keeping track of them. Too many and I get too angry, And I feel so helpless. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply 2G[-) Chemical Youth 22 minutes ago Same here. The Henry Ruggs thing made me so mad I when it happened I didn't think it could be worse until he got off with almost nothing. Some people are like Slinkies -- not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs. Reply 0G ]-) Jawbreaker 38 minutes ago We joke about Dodge Chargers and crime but it's not funny when things like this happen and they happen too often. And all the pressure that's been building up, For all the years it bore the load, The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort, It's ready to explode. Reply +1(4+]-)