Saturday 13 July 2024 19:16:17 1720138577

Thursday 11 July

I guess if there's any important news NEA Report will have it. If it's unimportant news the others may have it. The usual derelict malefactorism doesn't constitute important news unless it affects someone important and that apparently hasn't happened lately. Never heard of this dude. Know about Cave City, watermelons and all. And of course the cave. And I suppose the West Indies is overseas - from Europe. Actually it's in the Caribbean Sea, depending on the definition. Used to be someone up there published one of those advertising papers like the Merchandiser in Paragould. Those were a pretty good business back in the day and some still are. I notice the Merchandiser is down to not much over twenty pages these days and most of the others have disappeared or switched to or added a website like the Ozark Trading Post. It's a good small business, one or two people can run it and the money is good. The printed copies cost money to print and distribute so that might not be the best way for a startup but an existint paper can add the website easily and it costs next to nothing while the ad revenue can be quite good. At one time they put a PDF up on a website, just the pages of the printed paper. It doesn't seem to have been updated lately and the domain is parked - whether by the original owners or a new one.

What was I talkin' about? The dude I never heard of? Seems he's the mayor of Cave City and apparently is doing some self-promoting. I guess if you can't go to an AI expert shindig in Europe the West Indies isn't a bad second choice. Well, dunno about second, a big one in the U.S. at a Poison Ivy League university or a govrnment affair in DC would be more impressive but you take what you can get. CTO at the bank of Cave City bank too. I guess you could say I was CTO at a couple of small banks - both a lot bigger than the Cave City bank - but we didn't call it CTO back then. These days everybody gotta be in the C-suite, have C-something-O on their business cards. If people still use those, Idunno being retired. Put it in their fakebook or linkedin profile. Okey-dokey. I don't object to people self-promoting, it's about the only way to get anywhere these days. Being honest and industrious only works for the self-employed and it works well enough for us that we don't pay much attention to what others are doing.

One bit of semi-important news just popped up. I've commented on Tommy elsewhere in this here blog and probably another one or two. Governor Sanders said something nice:

Bryan and I are mourning the loss of Congressman Robinson, a true legend in Little Rock and our state. Tommy's career was colorful, but it was colorful in service of the people of Arkansas. He brought much-needed attention to issues like crime and prison overcrowding, and while his methods were sometimes unconventional, they won him admiration from voters to earn a seat in Congress. He was never afraid of a fight.
Governor Sanders is smart and diplomatic and seems generally a nice person - her dad was a pretty decent fellow too - and intelligence with political skills judiciously applied may make her a president one day, if the Republic survives. I remember Tommy well from his sheriff days and to say he was colorful is putting it mildly. I do believe he was just about always trying to do the right thing but sometimes what he thought was the right thing wasn't. Sadly when he got into national politics he seemed to have been seduced by the dark side. It wouldn't be the first time a good man got bogged down in the swamp and most likely won't be the last.

Friday 12 July

KAIT had Joetato's speech yesterday evening with a BREAKING NEWS banner. Well, the fate of the Republic is something for us here in NEA to be concerned about. Have at it kiddos.

I don't think a new bridge over the Mississippi is needed. Only reason for bridges is to get past Memphis going to St. Louis or wherever. I agree the old one needs to go - it scared me driving over it fifty years ago. Actually I can probably count one hand the number of times I used it after the new one was built. Given the time it will take I probably won't live to see it. Probably about the time they get the one in Baltimore rebuilt. It should be interesting to see what they call it since it certainly won't have the orginal name. Probably it will be named for a drug addict criminal who died in an encounter with law enforcement.

Saturday 13 July

Quiet but it's a weekend so we still got Saturday night. Yet another kiddie porn case over in Left Memphis. Scary thing these are happening in even the small towns around here. What's wrong with people..... nevermind. Jonestown Sun had the usual Trump-basher cartoon. Did I mention once or thrice that attempted humor without at least a little bit of reality isn't funny? Pretty sure I did.

The paper did announce the findings of the Lepanto affair and the goings-on in Hoxie. Probably the other will get around to it sometime. Congressman Rick Crawford was in town for a book-signing. Rick is cool, good rep, hope he stays around a bit.

Had a pretty awful thing in Minnesota (do not-awful things happen in Minnesota?) that reminded me of the incident in Jonestown with the cop doing that kind of thing and left a citizen crippled for life. The Minnesota dude is being charged with homicide - how come the one in Jonestown didn't get some kind of prosecution? Do you have to kill someone before they decide you did something really bad?

Something a lawyer told me, why it's so hard for regular people to get any justice:

Your situation would require actual work and some financial investment if only in paying their staff. It could pay off big but it's easier to take the nearly guaranteed payoffs for may be a couple hundred thousand, enough of those add up to millions, billions even for the big guys.

You give them a case where a high school cheerleader is in a car that gets rear-ended by a drunk - a rich or well-insured one obviously - leaving her a quadraplegic and her star quarterback boyfriend dead for extra points - pardon the expression - that may require some investment but will absolutely pay off big.

And with cases like that they're all over it immediately, vultures sitting around the hospital, waiting to offer their services. But you're Joe Sixpack, not a pretty cheerleader, the hospital has high-dollar lawyers and they'll have to work for it and even if it's cut-and-dried they will make them earn every dime.

The Minnesota cop did kill a cheerleader and he isn't a member of a special class - in fact he's in the wrong-as-can-be class for getting away with murder, literally or figuratively. So chances are he goes away for at least a while.

The two highest achievements of the human mind are the twin concepts of "loyalty" and "duty". Whenever these twin concepts fall into disrepute, get out of there fast! You may possibly save yourself, but it is too late to save that society. It is doomed. Robert A. Heinlein
KaliforniaDreamin 40 minutes ago Biden says during press conference he's go! despite cals to bow out I would say the national news is of concern to us here in NEA. The end of the Republic as HypCryme says will be near if he or any dim is installed as president. At this point (this is after enduring the press conference) it looks like Creepy Joe (his handlers actually) is fighting to keep his ill-gotten gains. There are clearly some dims who have already decided he has to go - I don't see this changes much - he wasn't worse than usual and if those wanting him gone were hoping for him to faceplant they didn't get it. Life is a lemon and I want my money back. ~ Meat Loaf Reply +6(+]-) Prime Chuck Norris 33 minutes ago One thing - you heard it here first if you haven't already heard it - is that the medical crew that keeps him going can and will do about anything they're told to. If he refuses to give it up - as I said earlier - they'll give him a shot he doesn’t wake up from. In his mental state he probably would never consider that, I suspect he's pretty much in a dream world now. When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you. Reply +4(+]-) Jessica Atreides Marshall 28 minutes ago One would think they would be better organized and have a more coherent operation. People with enough smarts would have planned for his brain rotting all the way through by now and had a replacement lined up AND a consensus on how to handle it. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply +3(+]-) DePloraBelle 21 minutes ago Is there really anyone in the regime with an IQ above room temperature? I can't think of one. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply +1(4+]-) Twisted Mentat 16 minutes ago I suspect overconfidence is a big part of it. When they pulled off rigging 2020 and there have been no repercussions they figure they've got it locked down. What scares me is - stupid as they are - they may be right. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Reply 0G ]-)