Thursday 4 July 2024 19:16:17 1720138577

Google and most supposedly useful search engines don't find the source of that passage. DuckDuckGo doesn't, Zuxxle and Freespoke have a hit or two. Only Yandex produces a handful.

Planned to go to Jonestown today, it being a Thursday. It's generally a little calmer traffic-wise and the stores are mostly restocked after the weekend drain. Woke up and saw it was a holiday so no go. Enough crazy and drunk people on the highways as it is. Back in the day a lot of us used to go up to Heber (that's what we called it) on Memorial Day and the Fourth. Talk about crazy drunk people. Knew of a couple of kids my age from my neck of the woods got in scrapes there, fatal accidents. Worst I ever got was what must have been third degree burns on the backs of my legs after falling asleep floating face down (on an air mattress) in the lake. Could've been worse as in drowned. Missed work Monday and it was days before I felt like I wasn't going to lose my legs.

Not just because I learned the downside of stuff like excessive alcohol intake - or even supposedly moderate if you're gonna drive - earlier than most but I weighed the possible consequences. Do I really want to risk going to prison for killing someone, or for that matter have my puritanical parents find out I'd been drinking. My father used to tell me that self-discipline was being able to say no to yourself. I'm amazed all these years later at how many people can't do it. Just not wanting to disappoint my parents was enough for me.

Okey-dokey smokey, what's up? Figure on a holiday nobody's doing anything. I used to enjoy holidays - especially in my Air Force days - because just about everybody left and it was real quiet for a couple of days. You never know though... nah, nevermind. That story should not told now, with the servants of the Enemy at hand.

Something made me think of 15-minute cities when I saw this. I know Jonestown and even small towns are being more accommodating of people who don't have cars, at taxpayer expense. This was kind of...

'The shared-use path is an excellent option that provides a wider passage to accommodate two-way movement and allows pedestrians, bicyclists, and rollers to interact safely on one trail.'
Mmm, OK.

When I first read this I was expecting someone on the city council to be sticking up for derelicts cluttering up the public areas. It's early yet as they say. Somehow the subject became the jail

'As you know, the county is considering a sales tax referendum to build a new jail,' Moore said. 'We're the largest customer. We pay 90% of the jail fees that are paid to the county. I would think that it would be important before a referendum came on a sales tax that we might know the details. We'll be expected to pay 90% of the O&M (operation and maintenance).'
If 90% of the inmates are Jonestown criminals that's the way it works. Next question.

Friday 05 Jul 2024

Just when you think the cartoons in the Jonestown paper can't get any worse they do. Column by Cal Thomas today - they do actually have some balance there. Of course when you have Cal Thomas and the usual lefty whose name I'll omit to spare her the embarrassment you could say that the 'conservative' writer is being positioned in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. Attempted humor fails without at least a little bit of truth so their cartoons are a waste of ink. And electrons. Usual high school sports and miscellaneous days-old stuff.

Not much reported crime in the past couple of days. It's still early Friday though some maybe something will turn up. The telly site has a lot of national news, the 'strong' jobs report that will be quietly revised back down to reality next month and one about Joetato. That's getting strange... actually it's been strange for a few years and now getting stranger fast. Sometimes I fear for the Republic. Actually I pretty much fear for the Republic all the time.

I remember the Wellstone fiasco. Just how devoid of both principles and intelligence dems are was amply demonstrated then. What has changed? It's worse, twenty years worse and twenty years is a long time in a decaying society. But this is about local stuff. How dirty is it here? Nobody talks about it but my personal experience is it's bad.

Sat 06 Jul 2024 06:47:35 PM CDT

Sadly one of these is likely to pass. Incrementalism is the way. Later.

KaliforniaDreamin 40 minutes ago Who in Arkansas will vote for Buydem outside of the usual pools? The electoral maps were near identical in '16 and '20. Here are the maps. I guess the NEA ‘news’ media have to do their part even in a lost cause. Life is a lemon and I want my money back. ~ Meat Loaf Reply +*5(4+]-) Twisted Mentat 32 minutes ago They can always hope the dims succeed in getting him out and dropping ina replacement that can actually win. The convention is not much over a month away and Joetard and his backers are still trying to stay in. I don't believe they have - or ever have had - a plan and they've known for at least a couple of years this was likely to happen. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Reply 42(+]-) Jessica Atreides Marshall 22 minutes ago Some of them are probably hoping he'll assume temperature as that may be the easiest way to replace him. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply +1(4+]-) Prime Chuck Norris 10 minutes ago I can see it now - Joetato tragically dies on the eve of the convention - maybe with some help from his handlers. With the enthusiastic aid of the state-run media they make him Saint Joe and do a Wellstone redux. Remember that? When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you. Reply oGl-)