Monday 2 September 2024 12:13:09 PM CDT

Tuesday 03 September 2024 11:22:58 AM CDT

The Victory is a traditional English folk song that's been around for a long time. Not longer than before the nineteenth century though since it's about the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 or so. Much of my time in the UK was spent at Air Force bases - we had a bunch of them in back then - and probably spent close to half my weekends in London. Sometimes a bunch of us would rent a bus to take two or three dozen of us and drop us off at Trafalgar Square and we'd ride the tube all over London. Those were the days - I wouldn't go back to the UK today much less ride the London subways.

Anyhow there was (probably still is if the Brits haven't taken to replacing monuments of important historical people with statues of common criminals) a huge column there, with a statue of Nelson on top. He perished at this little fracas, apparently victim of a musketeer in the tops of a French ship. I guess the guys up there were somewhat safer than the ones below long as the ship didn't sink.

Nelson got a monument or two, the young lady whose boyfriend was shanghaied to assist him was probably buried at sea somewhere off the coast of Spain. Those who lost friends of family to such wars - whether the European contests between rival empires of the past or the sickeningly destructive adventures of our own nation - can sympathize with her. The closest relative I lost was in Vietnam and he volunteered, but if he had known what we know now he probably wouldn't have done so. I was nearly eighteen and my number was about to come up when Nixon ended it (do you wonder now why he had to go?) and would have gone if only because having a 'draft-dodger' in the family would been bad. Actually I'm pretty sure they would have disowned me, my WWII vet father for sure. But the lies hadn't been exposed so thoroughly back then.

The Victory makes an appearance on Storm Force Ten, Steeleye Span's tenth studio album. It marked a bit of a change, a little more polish and maybe some more electricity than previous works. That would be carried on with Sails of Silver, probably my favorite. All of their stuff is worth checking out - I seem to have remarked in this here blog that Maddy Prior is one of my favorite singers. There's a fair number of good live sets out on Youtube, from the early years to some recent stuff.

In that other world a couple of businesses burned here and there, guy that hit a police dog got off with a suspended sentence, albeit a long one. He better straighten up as that sort of foolishness isn't tolerated from repeat customers. The crazy woman that threatened to blow up the governor got off pretty easy. If someone threatened a Democrat governor they'd go go the joint for a while but that doesn't happen much. No killings reported yet and that's a good thing.

Speaking of politics, since they brought it up, the Dissociated Press is laying on the propaganda as the election draws nigh.

I agree that it is pretty lame. Anyone in the biz - OK so everybody ain't in - knows how easy it is to get create the appearance of real people saying what you want said. About the only reason, OK a couple, is that these people aren't very smart they think they're being clever and the other is they presume that most people are as dumb as they are. The success of the Plandemic may have given that that idea but that too was a mistake:
Some say the Plandemic was an IQ test and only about 30% of the population passed. I maintain that it was a test of intelligence combined with courage. All but 30% lacked the intelligence or had it but with no spine. Integrity doesn't exist without courage - courage is an integral component of integrity. (Karpagius)

Here's you Dodge Charger story of the day. Rumors of the Charger's death are just rumors as near as I can tell. I would guess if it's selling as well as it seems to be they wouldn't discontinue it. Anyway this pizza-stealing and fake twenties needs to stop. Who counterfeits a twenty?

Seems the Jonestown police violent cop decertified. Nothing lately on the one that crippled a citizen for life and he was a repeat offender. May have repeated more than the one that beat up the suspect.

The Paragould PD is getting some new vehicles. You do remember voting for the tax, don't you? Said they already hired nine people, got to have equipment. Thirty-something for the base vehicle and then there's all that equipment to make'em cop cars. Okey-dokey. I asked someone on X-formerly-known-as-Twitter and Fakebook if they weren't buying any more Teslas. Apparently not, or any other EVs. Dunno how those worked out.

Wednesday 04 September 2024 10:49:19 AM CDT

Bomb threat at a school. Actually a land mine threat. Do these miscreants know what a land mine is? Seems they would make it something more plausible, not to mention harder to find. Was any digging going on around there?

More crime coming from the central part of the state. Reportedly one of the suspects was identified by facial recognition. Caught a guy using a license plate reader the other day. I don't plan to commit any crimes - other than thought crimes, do those all the time - but I wouldn't do using my own car. If I'm gonna steal something it probably won't be candles and a hundred bucks apiece. I'm just guessing but they were probably for resale as is most stuff ripped off by such thieves.

One of the perps posted bond of 50K but nothing on the other. With good credit you might get that for a couple of thousand but somehow these don't seem the type to have good credit. Still, that paroled killer they caught dealing drugs the other day had something like 10-15K on him. Crime does seem to pay for a while.

KAIT had the shooting thing up real quick this morning and still has the red stripe across the top, BREAKING NEWS donchaknow? I could check a dozen or so of their other sites but what's the point. KARK in Little Rock (not a Gray station but KAIT frequently links to stuff there) has it and the Russia Russia Russia thing down in the bottom section. Dunno if it was above the fold earlier today.

Thursday 05 September 2024 15:12:18 AM CDT

Kind of a slow day. Dunno it this is a new pizza theft or not - says it was today. Wonder if there's any law enforcement interest in all the counterfeit money around - seems to some of the same people with funny money are doing other bad stuff besides stealing pizza. Pretty sure this is a new body found. There was one in a river a day or three ago but believe it was in Misery somewhere. Speaking of bodies, dunno what this is about. Cadavers found in Wynne, says business owner (presumably the business where the cadavers were) had a license but doesn't say what is for. Anyway a guy's got a license to have cadavers OK with me if he has cadavers.

I guess this was a space-filler. I'd believe a lot of things easier than I'll believe any government agency and the link goes to a dodgy nutjob site that says Arkansas is the most food-insecure state when back in June they had an article saying it was next-to-worst. What do they do, check it every friggin' month. Gotta love they way they have a stock photo of a fat woman in a groceny store in California in March. How do they know anyway?

What, Chris?

They ask people? Got it. Paper got football and St. Bernards got another certification for something. Ever tell you about the time my dad was in there and...

What, Chris?

The time I was in there? I died for twelve minutes and they shipped me to worse hospital to finish me off and it almost worked. And you probably thought there wasn't a worse one in Jonestown. Hope you never find out the hard way.

Catch you guys later. Looks like it'll be another Friday.

Friday 06 September 2024 11:12:48 AM CDT

Only major thing today is some dude threatened the Attorney General - that's the Arkansas Attorney General not Merrick Gollum - on the AG's Fakebook account. That was dumb. Guy doesn't look too smart but with mugshots it's hard to say. Dunno if that striped shirt is jail attire or what he happened to be wearing.

KAIT has a ad in amongst the headlines. It's marked sponsored - Jonesbororigtnow doesn't have one up just now and I don't remember if theirs are marked as ads or not. Anyway they got the state-run media link about the economy.

Color me suspicious on this one. Seeya next week.

I am a youthful lady my troubles they are great My tongue is scarcely able my grievance to relate Since I have lost my true love that was ever dear to me He's gone to plough the ocean on board the Victory And many a pleasant evenings my love and I did meet He clasped me round my slender waist and gave me kisses sweet I gave to him my hand and heart and he vowed he'd marry me But I did not know that my love would join the Victory Chorus: Mourn, England, mourn and complain For the brave Lord Nelson's men That died upon the main My parents could not endure my love because he was so poor Therefore he never did presume to come within the door But had he been some noble lord born a man of high degree They'd ne'er have sent the lad I love on board the Victory There was thirteen on the press-gang they did my love surround And four of that accursed gang went bleeding to the ground My love was overpowered though he fought most manfully They dragged him through the dark, wet streets towards the Victory Chorus Your ship she lay in harbour Just ready to set sail May Heaven be your guardian, love Till you come home from sea Just like an angel weeping On the rock sighs every day Awaiting for my own true love Returning home from sea It's not for gold that glitters Nor silver that will shine If I marry to the man I love I'll be happy in my mind Chorus Here's success unto the Victory and crew of noble fame And glory to the captain, Bold Nelson was his name At the Battle of Trafalgar the Victory cleared the way But my love was slain with Nelson upon that very day Chorus
KaliforniaDreamin 41 minutes ago Last time it was Russia Russia Russia. This time it's China Tik Tok. These guys are so transparent it's not even funny. KAIT should be embarrassed but I don't know if they even maintain their own website or have any idea that the stuff is about. Life is a lemon and I want my money back. ~ Meat Loaf Reply +8 C+ [ - Jessica Atreides Marshall 30 minutes ago It's as transparent as what's inside a vacuum. It's all about Trump. Some fake accounts mocking Biden got 1.5 million likes? There are tons of posts on X by verifiable users mocking Biden and Harris with millions of likes. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply 2G[-) Chemical Youth 22 minutes ago It's not like you can't hire real American people to do that. I suspect that with the desperate situation the Democrats are in they may be trying to make it look someone is attempting disinfo-spam and doing it badly, e.g. non-native English. Some people are like Slinkies -- not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs. Reply 104] -) DePloraBelle 32 minutes ago They've got the whole freakin U.S. media in their pocket - except Fox and they've got them cowed with that billion-dollar suit - and they're still losing. That's pretty bad. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply 0G ]-) Prime Chuck Norris 12 minutes ago More to the point the Chinese, Russians and every other bad actor wants a Democrat president. Trump scares them bad and they're doing exactly nothing to help him. When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you. Reply oG
Mandroid 39 minutes ago NEA 7 REPORT. I looked up facial recognition in Arkansas and got this. Apparently it's got one of 79 fusion centers in the United States. Operated by local and state law enforcement in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. They have about nine license plate readers. Looks like Craighead and Searcy are the only ones around NEA. Electric eye, in the sky, Feel my stare, always there, There's nothing you can do about it, Develop and expose, I feed upon your every thought, And so my power grows. Reply WG Jessica Atreides Marshall 21 minutes ago Cool site. I suspect the one in Little Rock gets a lot of use. @ Sadly Jonesboro and the surrounding area will probably using it more. I see a lot of drones in use too. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply 42(+]-) DePloraBelle 14 minutes ago Yeah, drones are cheap and plate readers aren't that expensive. Just figure you're always being watched by something. If there's anything good about increased crime is it keeps the law busy chasing real criminals instead of people who commit improper speech or thought. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply 104] -) Twisted Mentat 22 minutes ago Take note of the Homeland Security connection. They get money from the feds anyway and you can bet the feds are using it already, collecting and storing just because. I'd be surprised if those are anywhere near the only ones - just the ones than can be proven. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Reply oG
Mandroid 39 minutes ago NEA 7 REPORT. I looked up facial recognition in Arkansas and got this. Apparently it's got one of 79 fusion centers in the United States. Operated by local and state law enforcement in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. They have about nine license plate readers. Looks like Craighead and Searcy are the only ones around NEA. Electric eye, in the sky, Feel my stare, always there, There's nothing you can do about it, Develop and expose, I feed upon your every thought, And so my power grows. Reply WG Jessica Atreides Marshall 21 minutes ago Cool site. I suspect the one in Little Rock gets a lot of use. @ Sadly Jonesboro and the surrounding area will probably using it more. I see a lot of drones in use too. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply 42(+]-) DePloraBelle 14 minutes ago Yeah, drones are cheap and plate readers aren't that expensive. Just figure you're always being watched by something. If there's anything good about increased crime is it keeps the law busy chasing real criminals instead of people who commit improper speech or thought. What difference, at this point, does it make? Reply 104] -) Twisted Mentat 22 minutes ago Take note of the Homeland Security connection. They get money from the feds anyway and you can bet the feds are using it already, collecting and storing just because. I'd be surprised if those are anywhere near the only ones - just the ones than can be proven. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Reply oG
KaliforniaDreamin 39 minutes ago Sluggish US jobs report clears the way for Federal Reserve to cut interest rates Of course they will. I'm surprised they waited this long. We've already seen the September Surprise. Life is a lemon and I want my money back. ~ Meat Loaf Reply +5 (4+]-) Goldry Bluszco 22 minutes ago Since they always revise them downwards they might as well use any number they please. And in October people are already voting. Most of that is in the states owned by the dims so being lost in the October Surprises won't matter. America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards. (Claire Wolfe) Reply 1Gl-) L Jessica Atreides Marshall 10 minutes ago I don't know why they bother to revise them. Anyone paying attention won't believe the revisions either. Welcome to the jungle BTW. © We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. Reply 1Gl[-) Phantasm Lord of the Dead 23 minutes ago Expect multiple October Surprises. The planned ones and one or more unplanned - they have almost zero to influence international events in any direction. You play a good game, boy, but the game is finished. Now you die. Reply 0G ]-)